Mind Blowing Demo on the Commodore 64 – Mojo by Bonzai
Another astonishing demo on the unmodified Commodore 64.
Credits :
Code …. Honcho of Atlantis, Pretzel Logic
Rico of Pretzel Logic
The Syndrom of Crest, Pretzel Logic, The Imperium Arts
Trap of Bonzai, Performers
Walt of Bonzai, Miami Fun Project
Music …. Laxity of Bonzai, Maniacs of Noise, Vibrants
SMC of Pretzel Logic, The Imperium Arts
The Syndrom of Crest, Pretzel Logic, The Imperium Arts
Xiny6581 of Dees Productions, Digital Sounds System, Genesis Project, Gheymaid Inc., Pretzel Logic, STARZ, The Solution
Graphics …. Mikael of Pretzel Logic
Spiham of Pretzel Logic
The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
Design …. Mikael of Pretzel Logic
The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
Trap of Bonzai, Performers
Idea …. The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
Storyboard …. The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
Disk Cover …. The Sarge of Bonzai, Fairlight
Loader …. Lft of Kryo
Directory Art …. Mikael of Pretzel Logic