Teletext R Podcast, 23rd October 2022 – Jason Robertson the Teletext Archaeologist (TSC Live 1/4/21)

Teletext R Podcast, 23rd October 2022 – Jason Robertson the Teletext Archaeologist (TSC Live 1/4/21)

It’s precisely ten years since the fateful day that Ceefax disappeared from its rightful home in the Beeb’s Vertical Blanking Interval once and for all.

That’s a decade too long for our liking, so let’s relive those golden days with a fun chat with Grim Underscore Fandango himself, the Master of Astrophysics, Jason Robertson.

The main course is Ceefax in its formative days, brought to life once more through the magic of video tape recovery. Jason talks us through a service from 1975, when Ceefax was approximately 11 months old.

But we also learn more about the man behind the Teletext Archaeologist moniker, including his band named after a badly-drawn (non-Ceefax) cartoon.

Originally broadcast on Teletext Sofa Club LIVE, 1st April 2021

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About The Author

Harry Yack I like looking for funny little things in games and making videos about them. Not a real yak, actually a Highland Cow.

